Gratitude Journal: Day 4
November 6, 2020

I’ve adopted a daily gratitude practice. Every morning for the rest of November, I start the day by writing 10 things I’m thankful for. Then, to keep myself accountable, I’ll share my list on this website, Instagram, and Facebook.

1️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to live so close to a medical facility that’s rarely crowded because when your kid needs an X-ray, who wants to wait! (He’s fine – just a sprained ankle)

2️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to have known Mildred the Duck because she died last night in our backyard and it was very sad for everyone.

3️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to Bodhi because he teaches me how to love unconditionally.

4️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for Luna because of the joy she brings to our family and to the world.

5️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for all the money I’ve been given throughout my life because it lets me choose the life I want to live.

A collage of South American bills — collected during a 6 month backing adventure.

6️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the bonding that Carrie and I are experiencing as we share a new business adventure because I love doing things with her.

7️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for Yesenia’s willingness to walk a coffee next door because that’s the type of awesome person she is.

8️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for all the plants in my home office because I value the energy and cleansing they bring to the room.

9️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for that moment each night where our entire family lays down together in bed because it’s the perfect way to end a day.

🔟 I’m infinitely grateful for a chance to release 30 years of guilt and shame because that’s a long time to hold onto a bad decision that everyone else has moved on from.

I stole this baseball card when I was 12. It’s haunted me ever since.


The practice is a part of Rhonda Byrne’s “The Magic,” which I am working through with my wife, Carrie. It also ties into a new business we’re starting. Here’s a video introducing it: