Join the Academy

Hey there, fellow travel-loving photographer. 📸✈️

Do you love making and sharing photos?

Does that passion lead you to dream of transforming photography into a full-time income?

But … if you’re like me, you don’t want to rely on the traditional “photographer hustle.”

❌ shooting events, portraits, or weddings

❌ selling prints

❌ uploading to stock sites

❌ paying for photo contests

These are all fun as a hobby – and nice extra sources of revenue …

… but, it’s tough to create a full-time income from them.

That’s why I’m so excited about a new way I’ve found to GET PAID for following your creative passion.

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Imagine having the time and freedom to focus on your photography because it’s FUN!

Close your eyes and allow yourself to dream.

What would it look like if you were able to:

✅ Live life on your terms.

✅ Travel the world with your camera.

✅ Spend more time with your loved ones.

✅ Be your own boss.

✅ Get paid for sharing your life’s journey online.

I know it sounds too good to be true.

Yet, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Want to know how?

The video below shares all the details.

My dream is to build a community of photographers who all share this passion.


Watch the video above and then let’s chat!

Join the Academy

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