A thunderstorm over the Misahualli River in Tena, EquadorSunset over a street in Cuenca, EcuadorA monkey climbs on power cables in Misahualli, EcuadorThe Sun Temple at the Ingapirca Ruins in Canar Provence, EcuadorYes, I walked down these stairs to the Pailon del Diablo waterfall in Banos, EcuadorAll that rain in the rainforest has to come from somewhereThis monument (and the yellow line) marks the actual spot of the Equador in El Mitad del Mundo - just outside Quito, EquadorThe town of Banos, EcuadorAn anaconda in the Amazon Rainforest near Misahualli, EcuadorThe Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, EcuadorA bus teeters near the side of a road in southern EcuadorCarrie swings from a treehouse at Casa del Arbol - alongside the Tungurahua Volcano ... which is shrouded by cloudsCarrie and Gosha play Acro Yoga at Casa del Arbol in Banos, EcuadorFireworks lit up the sky to celebrate the election of a new mayor in Cuenca, EcuadorA rainy day in the Cuenca PlazaSun beams through the stained glass windows Inside the Iglesia de Banos in Banos, EcuadorQuilotoa is a dormant volcano in Ecuador ... and a wonderful place to go hikingA pineapple plant in the Amazon Rainforest near Misahualli, EcuadorThe San Blas Cathedral in Cuenca, EcuadorSunset over the Vilcabamba mountains in southern EcuadorInside the Iglesia de Santo Domingo in Cuenca, EcuadorAnyone up for a game of basketball?Bungee jumping off a bridge in Banos, EcuadorThis is a 10-second exposure as our taxi went through a tunnel in Banos, EcuadorBUY A PRINT All photos on this site are available as limited edition fine art photographic prints. Please get in touch for sizes and rates. Name Email WHAT PHOTO ARE YOU INTERESTED IN?NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ EXPLORE A NEW PHOTO GALLERY Inspirational People Route 66 Nature’s Beauty