“A train would make this photo perfect,” I thought as I stood beneath a yellow canopy of lush, dewey fall foliage.
It was early morning at Roaring Camp Railroads in the Santa Cruz Mountains. My friend was meeting me for a hike and I had a few extra minutes. Naturally, as someone who loves photographing trains, I pulled out my phone and began to wander.
After photographing random rails and parked trains, I came across a segment of track that went underneath the canopy you see above.
Click click.
Click click.
I made a few photos – but, it was still lacking a certain “oomph.” Such a beautiful scene demanded more than just train tracks!
At one point, a person walked by. But, she was off to the side and felt like more of a distraction than a centerpiece.
That’s when I heard it.
The sound of an engine chugging and metal wheels clacking on metal tracks.
Could it be?
Had I manifested the exact element I had been picturing in my head?
Sure enough, a train was coming around the bend. Its path went directly through the tunnel of yellow leaves.
The perfect photo was chugging its way toward me.
Good thing I had made all of those other photos.
With moments to spare, I knew exactly where to stand and how to frame my photo.
In total, I had about five seconds to make this shot.
Now, I will enjoy it for five decades to come.
All photos on this site are available as limited edition fine art photographic prints. Please get in touch for sizes and rates.