A rickety old wooden bridge leading up to the Lampi Waterfall near Ko Lak, Thailand We saw the end of a series of regatta boat races in Krabi.
- The price difference between an air conditioned room and a non-AC room is usually so small that we have just been treating ourselves.
- After trying to use a pay phone a bunch of times we had to ask a local for help. Apparently before dialing the number you have to push 1, 2, 3, 4…THEN the number. Does that make sense to anyone?
- I tried Pepsi Green, which is a turquoise colored green tea Pepsi that was so gross I couldn’t have more than the second sip, which I only took to make sure I hated it and was done drinking it.
- All the food is so so greasy
- Walking down the street in Patong, Phuket, is like walking a gauntlet of people trying to sell you things, get you to eat at their restaurant or come in for a Thai massage
- One of the hotels we looked at in Patong, Phuket, also rented rooms by the hour and provided a free condom to patrons. One dollar = 34 Thai bhat
Signs with sub-par English are common in Thailand Pictures and posters of the King of Thailand are everywhere.
- Before a movie in the theater the national anthem is played and everyone rises
- Street food stalls roll into their spot every night at around 5pm and are usually attached to a bicycle or motorcycle. Some prep work is done beforehand but the rest is done right there in front of the buyers.
- While using a urinal at the clubs in Patong Beach, Phuket, it’s common for bathroom attendants to begin giving urinators shoulder massages while they are peeing.
Noodle soup for sale on the streets of Khao Lak, Thailand The movie playing on our minibus ride to Bangkok from Phuket was called “Killer Instinct: Claws” and was an hour long montage of animals killing and eating each other.
- Every playground seems to have a metal helicopter for the children to play in
- We saw lots of evidence of the 2004 tsunami including evacuation routes, a memorial sculpture and a police boat that was thrust 2 kilometers inland and is now embedded in the middle of a forest outside Kho Lak.
- I’m amazed at how many terrible pad thai meals I’ve had
- The local cigarette is rolled in a bamboo leaf and is insanely strong even for the locals who smoke dozens a day
A sunset on the beach of Khao Lak, Thailand We saw a bootleg version of X-Men Origins: Wolverine that still had many computer effects missing or incomplete. It was very weird to see the finale and many fight scenes with wires still on the actors and rough CGI sketches of what would become explosions and computer generated stunts. My favorite was when Hugh Jackman held his fist up and red text with an arrow to his knuckles came on and said “claws go up here.”
- I was accosted by a prostitute on the street who put her (or maybe his…you never know in Patong) hand in my pocket.
The Stable tsunami memorial outside Khao Lak, Thailand During our last day in Kho Lak we rented a motorcycle and traveled up and down the west coast of southern Thailand checking out three different waterfalls. I really love driving those things!
- Asia Airlines is a Southeast Asia budget airline like our Southwest or Jetblue…but this one is so cheap they actually charge you for water. How can it be legal to not provide free water on a flight when one of the most important things to do on a flight is stay hydrated!??!
- In Thailand, free WiFi is actually an important factor in choosing a guesthouse.
- Carrie spent a morning volunteering in Kho Lak and helped build playgrounds for local kids.
- Food stalls on the street often have a collection of gasoline in bottles alongside the fruits and veggies
Action figures adorn the roof of a tuk tuk in Thailand I love cheap prices abroad…I got a new pair of lenses for my glasses for $60 that would be $300 back home.
- We saw cages of birds for sale outside a temple in Bangkok that people would buy and release above the temple.
- On our last night in Bangkok, I ate a fried grasshopper.
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