Gratitude Journal: Day 15
November 17, 2020

It finally happened.

I posted something that I regret on FB live. It was an honest little rant, but it came across as me complaining.

I said that sharing my gratitude journal has distracted me from actually doing the work (internal and external) that I need to do to succeed.

I’ve contemplated deleting the video.

It’s recorded sideways and I can’t figure out how to undo that.

AND – that’s why I really like FB live – it’s raw and there’s no undo. There’s no time to curate my message and perfect my words.

This journey of transparency can be scary at times.

And, I love doing this.

I’m having a great time and feel inspired every day.

I’m loving the personal growth that’s coming from this – and I love being creative and posting regularly again.

When Carrie and I moved to Santa Cruz and stopped traveling, Adventures of a GoodMan fell to the wayside. I’ve created more content in the past 15 days than I have in the past 6 years.

Long story short – it’s all because of this practice and I’m infinitely grateful to have done it.


1️⃣ I am truly blessed to have Carrie in my life because she is such an inspiration and a joy to be around. I love her smile, her laugh, her heart, and her entire existence.

2️⃣ I am truly grateful for our family’s ability to support Bodhi today when his belly hurt and he had to stay home from Forest School because whatever is actually going on, what he needed most was our support.

3️⃣ I value peace and harmony with my family and in my life in general because why would I want anything else?

4️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for growing up Jewish because while religion is not an active part of my life, I still feel connected to the Jewish people and appreciate being a part of that ancient community.

5️⃣ I am truly blessed to have my life because it allows all else to be possible.

6️⃣ I am truly blessed to have my home because it’s an amazing oasis in the mountains full of life, nature, love, joy, opportunities for growth, and fun projects to work on.

Our home in the Santa Cruz mountains

7️⃣ I am grateful for this magic moment:

I pulled into the driveway and instantly entered an ethereal shower of light and warmth.

The late-afternoon sun filtered gently through the forest surrounding our home.

Branches and trees provided texture, mimicking the look of light passing through window blinds.

The archway gate to our house was also bathed in that slatted sunlight.

As I walked closer, small birds crossed my path – singing their song as they weaved in and out of the slat.

It was a moment that got me to stop and be fully present.

It was a moment that reminded me that THIS is the life I CHOOSE to live.

8️⃣ I am truly grateful for this new personal development platform I’ve joined because the courses and trainings are blowing my mind.

9️⃣ I am infinitely grateful that I took the time this morning to make my favorite breakfast of two fried eggs from our backyard chickens, organic shredded cheese and a slice of organic ham, and a cup of home-brewed coffee with A2 milk in my favorite mug because I like to treat myself to the things I like.

🔟 I am infinitely grateful for our new Kangen water system because our family drinks a lot of water and our bodies deserve only the best.