Gratitude Journal: Day 23
November 25, 2020

This weekend, my wife is hosting a free online wellness retreat.

It’s the manifestation of Carrie’s dream.

It’s a humbling show of community.

It’s inspiring to be a part of.

SOAR brings you an all-star lineup of inspirational healers, teachers, musicians, and amazing people from around the world.

Carrie singlehandedly coordinated the whole thing.

In 4 weeks.

While working full-time as a mother of two young kids.


“This free offering is coming out of gratitude and pure love for everyone on this planet with the intention of raising everyone’s vibration.”

I’m so moved by the power of that statement.

Carrie has put so much heart and effort into this retreat – and to offer it for free because she loves so deeply … wow!

Check out our website or join the live feed this weekend on our free Facebook Group.

1️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the chance to design graphics for Carrie as she launches SOAR because it’s making me feel so inspired creatively.

2️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for all the hugs I get from my kids because they are so yummy and fill me up with such joy and happiness.

3️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to my old friend Gina Lee because it was great catching up with her this morning and I’m totally inspired by her budding new business and all the ways that we might be able to collaborate and merge our friend and business worlds.

4️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the hour of time Carrie takes for her practice every morning because it gives me an hour to connect with the kids and is an amazing way to start my day.

5️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for recording myself reading one of my best travel stories because that’s step 1 towards turning it into a video and launching “Greg’s Storytelling Corner” — which is the manifestation of a dream I’ve had for years.

6️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the two books that my photography will be appearing in next year because I got paid for one and I got to donate the other one to an author-in-need

7️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the epiphany that led to me connecting my office lights to a remote control because everything is better when you can turn it on and off from anywhere!

8️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the 88 people who have signed up for SOAR this weekend because 88 is a magical number and this is going to be a magical event!

9️⃣ I’m so grateful for when our family lays down to bed and we all take turns passing the gratitude rock and saying what we’re grateful for because in addition to being an amazing family tradition, I get to hear Luna say “Grateful. Daddy. Grateful. Mommy. Grateful. Bodhi. Grateful. Gagoo.” In her adorable little voice!

🔟 I am infinitely grateful for my antique coins because even though I have no idea what to do with them, building the collection brought me so much joy as a kid.