Gratitude Journal: Day 21
November 23, 2020

1️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for Carrie‘s dedication to her SOAR retreat because she is creating something absolutely incredible and I’m humbled by the outpouring of support that she’s gotten from every corner of the world and the universe.

2️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for Julie Block, who I grew up living next-door to on Roosevelt Island, because she was the sole viewer of my FB Live today and I have so many amazing fun memories of our childhood together – especially building boxes that doubled his beds for all of her dolls.

3️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to my mom for taking a sabbatical during the first 4 years of my life because I now truly understand the importance of a close parent-child relationship during these formative years.

4️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the Roaring Camp steam train whistle that can be heard echoing across the San Lorenzo Valley (and in our backyard) because it makes me think of trains, which always makes me smile.

5️⃣ I am infinitely grateful that Fall Creek State Park is open again because it’s an incredible place to go connect with nature before starting my workday.

6️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the healing power of children because Luna woke up with a high fever in the middle of the night and it was gone by this morning.

7️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to the people who pave our roads and keep them in good shape because without them, we would be driving on dirt (or into giant potholes).

8️⃣ I am infinitely grateful and inspired by Bodhi’s ability to learn new things because he’s recently added whistling to his repertoire (something he’s been working on for a while) and, after seeing his friend Ky swim underwater in our hot tub, Bodhi decided that he could do that too — and he did, on his first try!

9️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the start of a new work week because it’s filled with infinite possibilities.

🔟 I am infinitely grateful for Kelly Rae who had me on her podcast a few weeks ago because it was my first live interview in this format and it gave me a chance to promote my personal brand.