Gratitude Journal: Day 28
November 30, 2020

280 thank you’s later … the last day.

This gratitude journal project has changed the way I look at the world. Each day, I allowed myself space to find the little details and appreciate them fully. To see life through the eyes of my children. With a sense of awe and wonder.

I look forward to continuing this practice.

1️⃣ I am infinitely grateful for the journey this gratitude journal is taking me on because it’s inspired me to share my truth and heal old wounds … or, at least, continue my journey towards healing them.

2️⃣  I am infinitely grateful to the universe for always keeping things in balance because the universe is always listening and it gives me a chance to be aware of what I’m putting out and inviting in. (Spoiler alert – it should always be love)

Carrie looks towards the heavens in Armstrong Woods, California
Carrie looks towards the heavens in Armstrong Woods, California

3️⃣  I am infinitely grateful for all the times I allow myself to “reset” during the day because there’s always a different way to think about any situation and shift the balance back towards the side of light and love.

4️⃣ I am infinitely grateful to all our ancestors who live their lives and brought humanity to where we are today because, for better for worse, this is one helluva exciting time to be alive.

The Goodman and Worthman family at my bris. My mom is not in the photo, which I find odd.

5️⃣  I am infinitely grateful for 2020, in all it’s glory, because it is providing such a needed wake up call to our entire world.

6️⃣  I am infinitely grateful for my new mantra, “how can I directly help the most people?” because asking myself that question every morning helps guide my day.

7️⃣  I am infinitely grateful for a lifetime of obsessing over my weight because it gives me constant opportunities to love myself and accept myself for exactly who I am.

8️⃣  I am infinitely grateful to my parents for taking me to Europe when I was four years old because it forever cemented my love of travel and that wanderlust spirit that continues to drive my life today.

9️⃣  I am infinitely grateful for a lifetime of opportunities and privileges that are open to me simply because of who I was born to and when I was born because I’m very aware that most people do not have the same blessings.

🔟  I am infinitely grateful for all the incredible things that are happening for me today and throughout my life because nothing is an accident and I am in control of my own destiny. Time to manifest some magic!